Thursday, March 31, 2005

Be careful my sons and daughters

Be careful when you put someone too high up on a pedestal.

The farthest you would probably reach her/him could be just around the feet.

Monday, March 28, 2005

amplified sound of the heart (or Bonnie Tyler's a two-hit wonder)

She nestled her head in the nook he made between his arm and his chest.

“Why do you like to sleep this way?”

“I like to hear your heartbeat.”


“It beats with mine”



Friday, March 25, 2005

Puisi Depresan

Bisa ku katup mataku malam ini
Untuk mengangankan dirimu
Biarlah aku tak bangun lagi
Kerna mimpi lebih indah dari fakta hari ini
Dan cerita kita lebih cantik
Bila diputarbalik

Biarlah bantalku ganti bahumu
Dan hamparan selimutku
samaran dakapmu
Tak jemu aku dengan lenaku
Kerna mimpi itu menurut-
Caturan kehendak benakku

Biarlah sawang-sawang
yang menyapu mukaku
Ku kira urai rambutmu
dan harum kemenyan
Wangian kau sembur di badan
Atau serangga yang melata
Ku sangka usapan jemarimu penuh cinta

Mataku tak mahu buka
Kerna kasihmu segar di alam baka.

prose: eat my shorts!

(read like Regina George)
I wish I’d be more quick witted and laser-tounged. And a bit bitchy. Then I’d be like, so cool like J. Lo or something.

In pursuing this education I happen to watch a movie which brings me to the conclusion that ANY movie that includes cross-dressing or rich, spoiled Caucasian girl should be like, tremendously, funny. Like, totally.

“Your mum is so stupid she went to Gucci to buy Fendi and stuff”

“Your mum is so old her breast milk is powdered”

"Your mum is so stupid she exercises to lose weight, when she can get lipo or something"

So I tried to like, sporadically formulate some original ones, and hopefully I get to use them like, some day:

(to an obese person)
“you’d better be covered in batter cause you’re so gonna be deep fat fried in hell”

(to a person with yellow teeth)
“Is that a canary in your mouth?”

(to Mel Gibson)
“You former male model”

(to reply to a girl with a cellulite-laden butt the size of Australia when she says ‘kiss my ass’)
“that is such a big area to cover”

(to an acne prone person)
“Pizza is not a face towel”

And the crème de la crème,
“Your mum shops at Kamdar”

Thursday, March 17, 2005

on physical appearance, love and stuff

whoever came up with the dictum opposites attract must be virtous to self esteem challenged people

#1 if you think your partner is ugly,
bear in mind that you should be fucking gorgeous

#2 if you think YOU are ugly,
you'd still be able to sleep well knowing that you'll get a fucking gorgeous partner

so either way, you're advantageous
(so it applies> if you'd like a model girlfriend/boyfriend, just hope that you're fucking ugly)

would Einstein be taken seriously if he looked like Brad Pitt?

How can one person who is loathed by everybody has a partner who thinks he's everything? like, what do you see in her, gal? like, seriously.

which brings the question, which is better:

to be liked by everybody but loved by none
or to be disliked by everybody but loved, adored, put on a pedestal by one. (it takes only one, in the whole wide world)

If you like people paying you compliments that goes something like "Hey, you look like Brad Pitt" or Julia Roberts or Leonardo Dicaprio or whatever,

boy, you sure hate yourself don't you?

have you ever dreamed,

If you have mixed Brazilian blood, and also have a bit of Caucasian and perhaps some of Persian ancestry, obviously you should be fucking gorgeous

If you have mixed Brazilian blood, and also have a bit of Caucasian and perhaps some of Persian ancestry, but still end up ugly, boy, that is fucking pathetic man. membazir!

moral of the story:
be grateful for whatever you have. at the very least you have a face.

p/s hey guys!! sorry i didn't update like since forever! (been figuring out my life lately) hope u enjoy this one. and oh, monochrome people and the remnants of my kin enam tahun good luck you guys!