Saturday, June 26, 2004

prose: current interest

nowadays the paradoxical is very cool.

take for example : "i am a liar"

the statement cannot be true. because, if it's true, then he cannot be lying. so he is lying that he is a liar. If it's not true, then he is still lying, because he is saying an untruth.

like the end is the beginning is the end is the beginning is the end (from smashing pumpkins)

like a museum for commemorating death that celebrates life. how ironic.

enjoy this.


Blogger Syafeeq said...

Yes I used a similar statement during an ice breaker. You are supposed to tell 2 truths and a lie. so i said " I am not very good at lying". I actually don't know if that was the truth or a lie.

8:53 am  
Blogger worknation said...

hey syaf, have u been to just click the link. that's where the point that i wanted to make lies. enjoy the animations. they're so damn cute!

12:32 pm  
Blogger Syafeeq said...

haha, yes very cute animations!!

omg they killed kenny!!

7:43 pm  
Blogger Zekc Ahmad said...

wahhh dah pandai buat link .. ihiks

1:37 am  

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