prose: The Incredibles!! (read like a 1950's newscaster)
This is most probably one of the more meaningful movies I have seen this year. The premise of the movie is a solid foundation in itself, added with the well-thought details, renders it to be a far cry from the usually hollow, shallow and bimbo-istic action movies.
This ‘animated feature’, usually dubbed as ‘cartoons’ meant for the consumption of pre-mumayiz children is more ‘grown-up’ than most life action movies in the line of XXX (Vin Diesel, yuckkk), Fair Game (the Cindy Crawford one, yuckk) , to name a few, are. Try tuning in to any Astro movie channels during the afternoon fillers for MORE examples of fucking STUPID, no-brainer movies with clichéd lines you’d used to think mat salleh film makers are incapable of producing.
*Ehem* (got carried away there). Well, anyhow, the movie poses this question> what happens when people of privilege is stripped of that privilege and forced to live like regular people. While this concept has already been explored elsewhere as in the movie ‘The Last Emperor’, or Sue Townsend’s novel ‘The Queen and I’, a super-hero’s super-ordinary privileged life is a twist loony enough for *ehem* a ‘cartoon’. And it is undeniably interesting too.
The paradoxical statement, ‘When everybody is special, no one is’, immediately made me decide that this movie is a damn good one.
I think we can all learn something from........ The Incredibles!!!!! (1950's newscaster again)
*Of course, the fact that the outing is a rare all-siblings one, with milk shakes afterwards at McDonald’s Greenlane (after an hour of sesat mencari jalan due to heavy downpour) would help make it meaningful too.
If you should be given a super power, you should have the super power to find your way anywhere in the world la. hehe.
Yes the movie is quite good.
Saw it, luved it.Lots.
syaf, i'd rather be a changling, like Mystique in X Men.
shaz. i luv it too. so u like animation or super hero movies, or both?
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